Friday, June 11, 2010

Create an Poster for the non-existant Zelda movie

For the second project in our collaboration involved creating a movie poster for a movie that doesn't exist. It required the crew and actors, date and images from the game.

This was the first variation submitted by Matt. It was quite well done, the Link embedded in the letters, the type for Zelda and the shine were all very well done. The problems were located in the crew and actors at the bottom, the type looked squished and uneven. Also, there wasn't enough reference to the games to bring up excitement in the viewers mind.

The second variation takes a very different approach. A great shot of Link from slightly above, cropped to increase intrigue and colored to the palette the game uses. This time some of the inconsistencies were the type above "zelda" not aligning and the crew at the bottom again looked very squished.

This third and final rendition was much improved from the first one. The Hyrulian shield in the background enhanced the shimmer and type. The cast at the bottom was intensely better, using the thin and thick type for each name looks very smooth.

And for the second version, the type was much corrected, As now "the legend of" sits squarely on "elda". Also the crew and actors has been adjusted below as before. The tones were also slightly darkened to create more of a dark adventurous feel.

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